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Saturday 4 November 2023

WEEK4 REFLECTION-Interactive Slides and Video Clips

Course Outline

The theme of the fourth week was digital competence. In the lecture, the lecturer used our views on digital competency as a hook to introduce the Digital Competences Framework for European Educators (DigCompEdu) on the whiteboard, and the three main categories: professional competency for educators, pedagogical competency and learner competency. In addition, the lecturer explained the six areas of DigCompEd, including Professional Engagement, Digital Resources, Teaching and Learning, Assessment, Empowering Learners, and Enhancing Learners' Digital Competence. After that, she brought us the new video editing software DaVinci Resolve, guiding us to have a preliminary understanding of the software for the editing process. During the tutorial session, we embarked on editing a video. 

Interactive Slides

This lesson struck me because of its practicability, with the focus of our learning being shifted from teaching strategies to digital technology. Digital technologies are increasingly being used in education, in many cases teachers need to be equipped with digital technologies to support teaching (Qureshi et al., 2021). Our lecturer also uses digital tools and resources to design and implement teaching activities, a specific example of this is that in every lesson, she would apply the Mentimeter platform for interactive teaching. She displayed the questions on a projection, after getting the link we could answer them in real time. 
some live Q&A

Compared to traditional slides, interactive slides facilitate teacher-student interaction and enable the teacher to know students' authentic ideas (Wirth et al., 2020). Clark (2008) criticised that the traditional slide-oriented teaching enables students to be passive participants in the classroom circumstance. Along the same lines, Pakpour et al. (2021) stated that student achievement and engagement improve when they are given autonomy and control over their learning pace. Interactive slides offer students the opportunity to enhance their content knowledge at their own speed by actively engaging with diverse materials and technologies embedded within these slides. One of the most beneficial things for me was that, as I sat at the back of the classroom, it was difficult for me to see what was projected on the screen; however, using the Mentimeter teaching platform allowed me to view live projections on my laptop screen. Thus, class proceeded smoothly for me, I was able to actively participate by answering the slide questions at my own pace, eagerly anticipating the display of my contributions(answers) on the large screen.
screen connection

Given the rapid advancements in digital technology, teachers must constantly update their knowledge and abilities. According to Fullan and Langworthy (2014), digital competence enables teachers to effectively navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital learning environment. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, students were compelled to participate in online classes, necessitating teachers to possess specific digital competencies for successful online instruction. Many teachers faced the task of transforming traditional face-to-face classrooms into virtual ones. To achieve effective online teaching objectives, they need to demonstrate proficiency in various online educational tools and platforms such as Teams, Zoom, and Quizlet. Additionally, teachers should be adept at designing an engaging online curriculum that encompasses defining learning objectives, developing lesson plans, creating syllabi, and implementing assessment methods.

While it is true that digital technology has become an integral part of our classroom and offers numerous benefits, I firmly believe that teachers should not overly rely on it or shift their developmental priorities solely to digital competency development. Depending solely on electronic devices for lesson delivery leaves teachers susceptible to technical difficulties that can disrupt the flow of instruction. In such situations, teachers must be equipped with alternative teaching methods to ensure uninterrupted learning experiences for their students.Additionally, we need to acknowledge that not all schools worldwide have equal access to advanced technological resources due to various reasons such as geographical limitations or budget constraints. Overreliance on electronic technology might create disparities among educational institutions and further widen the digital divide between privileged and underprivileged schools. 

Video Clips

In the subsequent lesson, we acquired the skills of video editing using DaVinci Resolve. In order to enhance the visual effects, our lecturer presented a self-edited video as an example. She also provided us with a comprehensive guide on utilizing DaVinci Resolve, starting from software download to video integration. To ensure that every group member comprehends the video editing process, each group was assigned a technical advisor. Both the step-by-step instructions and individual guidance embodied Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of cognitive development by addressing the gap between learners' current level of competence and their potential competence (Morgan & Skaggs, 2016). By tailoring our learning experience within this zone of proximal development (ZPD), under the guidance of both the lecturer and technical advisor, we gradually acquired proficiency in video editing while fully developing our latent abilities.

I am immensely grateful to the lecturer for providing us with this invaluable opportunity to acquire video editing skills, as I had been pondering over how to edit videos before. Learning the art of video editing holds great significance, as it not only enables me to express myself more effectively and convey messages but also allows me to capture precious moments. Moreover, it serves as an excellent teaching tool that possesses a strong allure in the classroom (Cruse, 2006). 
Although it was the fourth class, the videos played by the lecturer during previous class sessions are still etched in my memory - be it the introduction to studying in New Zealand or the music video of "500 miles from home". Reflecting upon my childhood experiences, I vividly recall that watching videos was the moment I was most attentive in class. Whenever our teacher announced playing an instructional video, silence would envelop the entire classroom and anticipation would fill the air. Students would adjust their posture and prepare themselves for focused viewing.
students watch carefully
In today's digital educational environment, video has undoubtedly emerged as a potent educational tool. Once teachers acquire proficiency in video editing skills, they can significantly enhance their teaching effectiveness. Although there exists a constraint on the duration for which students can maintain focus within a classroom or learning activity. Sihotang and Kristidhika (2020) argued that by creating instructional videos of course content, teachers can present knowledge with greater vividness, capture students' attention more effectively, and stimulate their interest in learning. Moreover, video clips have the potential to transform intricate and abstract concepts into intuitive and easily comprehensible visuals and animations, thereby deepening students' understanding of key knowledge points (Kahn, 1996). Consequently, I am convinced that mastering video editing skills is imperative for my teaching career.

A Message of Hope to Future 

This lecture has also reinforced the significance of digital competence to me. As a prospective educator, my proficiency in digital skills is crucial for continuous professional growth. I will also display videos I have edited in my future classes to support teaching objectives. However, given that I am not able to predict the technological glitches in the classroom and determine the teaching environment, I would better to maintain a balance between traditional teaching methods and the effective use of technological tools in my coming career. 
There is a supplementary video about Davinci Resolve tutorial for beginners.



Cruse, E. (2006). Using educational video in the classroom: Theory, research and practice. Library Video Company, 12(4), 56-80.

Clark, J. (2008). Powerpoint and Pedagogy: Maintaining Student Interest in University Lectures. College Teaching, 56(1), 39–44.

Fullan, M., & Langworthy, M. (2014). A rich seam: How new pedagogies find deep learning.

Kahn, K. (1996). ToonTalkTM—an animated programming environment for children. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 7(2), 197-217.

Morgan, D., & Skaggs, P. (2016). Collaboration in the zone of proximal development. In DS 83: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE16), Design Education: Collaboration and Cross-Disciplinarity, Aalborg, Denmark, 8th-9th September 2016 (pp. 664-669).

Pakpour, N., Souto, I., & Schaffer, P. (2021). Increasing Engagement during Online Learning through the Use of Interactive Slides. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 22(2).

Qureshi, M. I., Khan, N., Raza, H., Imran, A., & Ismail, F. (2021). Digital technologies in education 4.0. Does it enhance the effectiveness of learning?.

Sihotang, R. A., Cendana, W., & Kristidhika, D. C. (2020). The use of video in improving students’ attention in learning process of kindergarten students. International Journal of Elementary Education, 4(4), 496-502.

Wirth, S. A., Liel, A. B., & McCartney, J. S. (2020). The Effectiveness of “Interactive” Slide Presentations for Promoting Student Engagement in University Engineering Courses. Papers on Engineering Education Repository (American Society for Engineering Education).


1 comment:

  1. Dear Fang wen
    Your blog never fails to amaze me, providing valuable insights that also prompt reflection on my own teaching practices. Thanks for the inspirational attitude you are having and Keep shining!
    Best wishes
    Marked, meet the rubric's requirements.
